Screenwriting Advice?

Question by ld12o1: Screenwriting Advice?
I don’t necessarily need advice on screenwriting and itself but more so helpful input on deciding what to do. See, i’ve been writing for a while and have always been a very imaginative writer. Now, i’m sure I have the ability to write something very intellectually stimulating but i’ve always found it much more exciting to write something that can be a mixture of that as well as fun and entertaining. As I said, i’m very imaginative. After reading many books and finally finish my sci-fi screenplay, I figured I would being coming up with a business plan to hopefully get it sold. From what I’ve learned, as long as you write something good that would catch a person’s interest, you should be able to either sell it towards any medium or gain some writing work.

I don’t have any writing credits but film has been my life ever since I was old enough to rent movies at the library on my own. Speaking to one of my friends, he told me that I should try to get into film school and not worry about selling my script. He says that it’s very risky and basically saying it’s a waste of my time and instead I should focus on getting into a school and go from there.

So I guess my question is whether I should listen to my friend and do the more practical thing (which by the way I intended to do if I sold my script…as of now, I have no money for it) or take the road less traveled and have faith that i’ve written something that may attract someone to my writing ability?

Best answer:

Answer by BeautyBlitz [is crazy]
Why not get financing to go to school while you try to sell your screen play? That way you are working toward two of your dreams, not just one. If your screen play does sell, then you will have some money to help pay off the debt you accumulated going to school.

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