Is there a way to change the AUDIO tracks on a movie when making a copy of it?
Question by AJB: Is there a way to change the AUDIO tracks on a movie when making a copy of it?
Ex: English to another language
If so, what program software are you using or do you recommend?
I currently have Nero 8, but I am not sure of which part of it to use, NERO VISION, ROM, ETC. the program is a bit complex at times for a newbie like me, thanks.
Best answer:
Answer by Dolby
download or buy nero 7 ultra edition today. you can rip dvd movies onto hard disk including subtitles. normally a new dvd has multiple audio tracks like dolby digital, dts and other languages. well, before copying, you can choose which audio tracks will be added to the movie. you can choose multiple tracks as well. with nero, you can set the video and sound quality to lower level and convert the dvd to other formats so that u can save several movies in one dvd disk. you can join several clips into big files and add dvd like menus. at lot more
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