willing to start my journey in the 3D movies making ……?
Question by slm-ko: willing to start my journey in the 3D movies making ……?
will i am in love with 3D cartoon characters making …. not only cartoon but all other 3D movies and that for i want to start my journey in the world of 3D movies making so i have many questions to ask and i need any possible advice that will help me in that so please everyone make sure that your answers are professional because my future depend on your answers
1- what do i need to learn before i start working on any 3D software because i heard that i most learn some other softwares like Photoshop or adobe insllater or some other softwares like that so is that true ?
2- i started working on Maya last year and then turned to Soft image XSI but just stopped after getting the basis because i don’t know what is batter and what to do with that ???
3- is it batter if go for DVDs tutorial and do it all by my self of should i get into some institute and get the basics there and then can go all the way on my own ???
i think that all i need to ask for now so thx for helping me in advance
Best answer:
Answer by Shardul
Point 1: Yes you need to learn photoshop , illustrator because some time you need texture, backgrounds, text with some special effect. having a good knowledge of image editing tool will be very helpful to you.
Point 2: Maya is amazing software i’m loving it. Don’t be confuse just go with it..
Point 3: Better you have a basic training from any good institute, and then you get into others ( books , blogs ) to make yourself better.
+ You should have knowledge about scripting language it will make your work easier, Fair knowledge about sound,composition and mixing is not a bad thing.
This will take time, hard work …. But after a year. you will be good resource for Media & Entertainment industry.
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