A Few Great Ideas For Your Own Classifieds Site


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7. On-line Career Network

A good classifieds script can serve as an efficient tool to create a popular on-line career network serving Career Builders and Recruiters in your region, nation-wide, or worldwide. You can develop your unique job website that will serve the needs of businesses and recruitment agencies by offering thousands and thousands of full-time, part-time, and contract job vacancies everyday! It is also a great way of letting individuals advertise their skills and capabilities looking for their dream jobs. With career-related classifieds website, you will give people a voice and a platform to promote themselves, make them visible and available for new career opportunities. Feel free to contribute to your nation’s economy by reducing unemployment and overcoming the recession.

WorksForWeb is a software development company specialized in Web-based applications with focus on PHP classifieds scripts. WorksForWeb offers three multi-language SEO-optimized platforms: iRealty real estate classifieds script, iLister multi-purpose classifieds software and iAuto vehicle classifieds script.

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