Above All That Is Random 4 – Christina & Sarah
Coke Competition Link: CokeURL.com Vote there ! 😀 Yo guys ! This is the 4th in the “AATIR” series, we think this one will really get nailed into you’re heads. Let’s hope we’re right 😀 HOPE YU DIG IT !! ________________ Haven’t seen the FIRST 3 ?!? Above All That Is Random 1: www.youtube.com Above All That Is Random 2: www.youtube.com Above All That Is Random 3: www.youtube.com LYRICS: [Both] I’m getting paid, 500 dollars, I have a dog And I bet you’re really mad And I bet you’re really sad ’cause [x3] [Christina] Oh butter snap I lost my dolphin hat I like making mac n cheese While flying overseas One moment please I need to sneeze “Achoo” [Sarah] “God bless you” Oh A crocodile ate my sock Oh I wish my pillow could talk Oh A giant toad flying through the air Oh It got stuck in Christina’s hair [Christina] Let me hear you say [Both] I’m getting paid, 500 dollars, I have a dog And I bet you’re really mad And I bet you’re really sad ’cause [x2] [Sarah – But both on 2-3 ] Cookie make my tongue go numbah Cookie make my tongue go numb Cookie make my tongue go numbah Numbah numbah numbah all day longer [x4] [Both] There’s a purple mushroom in my backyard And it’s screaming taco tacooos [x5] [Christina] Do I smell cheese or is that a fly I don’t know why I smell a fly [Both] Two, three, four I’m getting paid, 500 dollars, I have a dog And I bet you’re really mad And I bet you’re really sad ’cause [Sarah] I’m getting paid, 500 dollars, I have a dog And I bet you’re numbah numbah …

inktalks.com In under 12 minutes, listen to the fascinating journey of a workshop helper – from being rejected by the same women whose lives he wanted to change – to now gearing up to create jobs for a million women. Note This talk is available with English subtitles. Click the CC button on player to view the talk with subtitles. ABOUT INK: INKtalks are personal narratives that get straight to the heart of issues in 18 minutes or less. We are committed to capturing and sharing breakthrough ideas, inspiring stories and surprising perspectives–for free! Watch an INKtalk and meet the people who are designing the future–now. INKtalks.com ABOUT ARUNACHALAM MURUGANANTHAM www.inktalks.com Subtitling credits : Poornima Shankar, Nandini Ashok ,Vaibhav Mathur