Activity Internet Marketing Information,


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about 11-12 of the keys you punch and this will be your PW Code. Write it down in a little codebook you can carry in your pocket, never leave it on your computer.

Next never open an attachment unless you know who is sending it and you are expecting it. Be careful when downloading free offers, gifts, too.  Great place for a virus to get a free ride into your computer.

Shaw is my server and they supply me with a free centralized firewall, which check for signs of unwanted visitors. They provide a log of attempted access to my computer, so you know who is trying to get in. This paper trail is for prevention and tracing. Most fraud artist knows this and will go to a less secure site.


A teacher was getting to know the kids in here class, asking their names, where their dad worked. The little girl answered,” My name is Judy, my father is a

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