An Anti-Piracy System?
Question by : An Anti-Piracy System?
i’m developing an Anti-Piracy System that removes digital pirated content such as movies, games, software, books and magazines, etc from the internet.
i would like different companies ( such as: Microsoft, adobe, apple, universal etc.) to use my service in order to remove most of their products on the internet.
companies that would like their products removed from the internet will have to pay a monthly subscription depending on their product which is a fraction of the amount they loose.
This makes it a lot harder for people to download their products illegally, therefore, will be forced to purchase. (This eventually increases sales and of course, PROFIT)
how can i contact companies to see if they are interested so that u would further develop this system?
And i would like to know your opinion of:
– is this project going to be successful?
– will companies like adobe and Microsoft use my service?
– would you use this service if you had a product which was being pirated (downloaded illegally) on the internet?
and any other suggestions/comments you can add!
thank you
(the best answer gets 10 points)
Best answer:
Answer by JIM
This part does not seem to make sense as nobody would know the products exists to buy it
i would like different companies ( such as: Microsoft, adobe, apple, universal etc.) to use my service in order to remove most of their products on the internet
It is up to these companies to increase the pressure for torrent sites and P2P sites to be outlawed therby eliminating 90% of illegal downloading.
Either teens are too selfish and self-centered to understand they are slowly destroying the movie and software industries or they simply don’t care. Thos downloading illegally seem to be existing in some sort of fantasy “everything must be free” world.
In the real world of course, it is the SALE of current products that provides the money to create new products. However, those currently stealing products off the Internet will most likely be the ones complaining the loudest when the release of new software and new movies begins to slow down, due to their activities starving these industries of funds
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!