Any ideas on how to make a local band website?
Question by Jesse Custer: Any ideas on how to make a local band website?
now i asked this a couple of days ago, and made a mistake.
wanted to talk about it a little more
Im looking into starting a new website selling local bands merch and other local group items. Also on this website, i want them to be able to make their own profiles and post some of their work and help get them recognized more and a list of all the local shows and conerts around. the only thing is, i have no idea where to start. tried looking at some php and other scripts, but the only thing i can find is something to make it look like ebay or something.
I already have a website started using hostgator and wordpress
and i understand there are plenty of things to download from there to add to the site to help
but there are a lot of things i want this site to do, and im not sure what to look for. such as:
– local artist being able to make a profile and set up their work and sell merch or anything for everyone to buy using paypal (and maybe i get a percentage of the sell)
– them being able to post updates and other dates on profile
– of course, professional looking
and some other things but i know how to do those i believe
Anyone have ideas for me.
Best answer:
Answer by Miss Ohhh
You can start off or launch your website with something like a livejournal, and make it look like a website. Then you can set up an account with a website like or
hope that helps. not exactly sure what youre looking for. :S
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