Any owners have a dog with pancreatic insufficiency?
Question by Love My Boxer!: Any owners have a dog with pancreatic insufficiency?
Our boxer was recently diagnosed with pancreatic insufficiency. The perscription for her is running around $ 100 a month (Panakare). I’ve looked EVERYWHERE online for cheaper alternatives, and have had no luck, and many pet meds sites don’t even sell Panakare.
This isn’t something common with Boxers, however it is with GSD, so I was curious to see if there were any people on here with experience in dealing with this disorder, and any things we can do to perhaps lower her dosage (and therefor making her script last longer!).
She already is on a easily digestible food (Solid Gold Barking at the Moon).
Best answer:
Answer by Leigh
I don’t know if these are the same that you are using, but here is a link to some for $ 63.95/500 tablets.–pr–012006T500?utm_source=pricegrabber&utm_medium=cpc
When vet meds get very expensive, talk to a “human” pharmacy to see if there is a human generic available. I know that heart and thyroid meds for dogs are often less expensive at the “people” pharmacy, and for uncommon drugs that vets don’t carry in their own pharmacy, they will send you to your own pharmacist to get a fill. Sorry I can’t be of more help…if you find it for significantly less somewhere else, talk to your vet about either giving you a price break (to match the competitive price) or giving you a written prescription to take somewhere else.
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