Any tips on making a scary movie longer?

Question by Chrysann: Any tips on making a scary movie longer?
I’m making a movie and my script is way too short, does anyone have any tips on making scripts longer or dreaging a movie out to make the movie seem longer, im aiming the movie to be like 30 minutes, and my script is only 6 pages long, its supposed to be a scary movie, so if anyone has any ideas on how to make a scary movie scary that is much appreciated too.


Best answer:

Answer by rachelrrenegade
What ive heard that is a good way to make a script longer is to repeat an action 3 times, but the third time, make it a twist. In the movie El Mariachi, the hero jumps into the back of a pickup to escape from bad guys twice, and on the third one, he jumps into the bad guys truck. Same movie, the main villain lights a match off one of his henchman twice, and the third time, it is the henchman lighting a match off the face of his dead boss. Its a very good way to extend the script very easily. So like, say the killer kills twice, and on the third try, he is killed, or something like that.

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