Any tips on making photo slideshows that can be burned onto DVDs? Good software, etc.?
Question by imaliberal: Any tips on making photo slideshows that can be burned onto DVDs? Good software, etc.?
I’m making a photo DVD slideshow for my sister-in-law’s wedding and I’ve made a cool one before for my last sister-in-law’s wedding, but I made it with Windows Movie Maker (I know, low level) and could never get it to burn on to a DVD that would play in a DVD player.
Best answer:
Answer by Louiegirl_Chicago
gee, from your description, it doesn’t sound like you want to do a (still) photo slideshow, but rather a video, moving pictures (???) burned to a dvd???
for photographic slideshows made into gift cds and i think also dvds, take a peek at yahoo 360 as well as google’s free picassa2 photo editing software. the only thing that i don’t know about each of them is whether you can do a DVD that would be viewable on a tv set from the dvd player.
i was investigating how to transfer vhs movie tapes onto dvd disks, and i came up with a company that makes hardware devices that both do what you say you want to do as well as what i want to do and more. each product is different, so read the specs carefully. one of them is no longer manufactured by this company, but sometimes you can find a used model.
the hardware, which also comes with software to do these sorts of projects, is made by a company called adaptec. go to and see if they have what it is you need.
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