Approaching Life Like Playing Softball


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Approaching Life Like Playing Softball

I was at a Buddhist meeting the other day and we were asked to create a bucket list.  The inspiration for this exercise came from the movie, The Bucket List starring Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson.  In the movie the main characters create a list of things they want to see and do before they die (or kick the bucket).

I’m a big list maker, so I quickly wrote:

Publish my book, Erase Negativity and Embrace the Magic Within Sell my screenplays Hit a home run in softball

In my more expanded bucket list I jotted down a few thoughts about improving a few relationships, as well as a few more altruistic goals, but the three that are listed above were the first ones that came to mind.  I suppose I could have wished for world peace of something like that, but I wanted to be honest with myself, as well as with those who were with me at the

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