are exotic girls pretty or just second rate to other women?
Question by avedakedavra*: are exotic girls pretty or just second rate to other women?
Reason I’m asking is because, I’ve just been feeling insecure lately. Well, why else would I ask then. You see, my boyfriend loves Scarlett Johanson (sorry, can’t spell it)
When I look at her, I see her blonde hair, blue eyes, a c cup and a slightly pudgy body. I think she is beautiful, even stunning but I also feel like my boyfriend compares me to her and I look anything BUT like Scarlett. I also know there are a lot of lighting and make up tricks, air brush, super diets and special treatments that make movie stars look the way they do. I love him but if he’s into her that much I don’t stand a chance. I am mix or exotic looking. I am Spanish, African American, White. I have dark brown eyes and long long dark brown/black hair. Fair light olive skin, 5’3 I think my measurements are 34 DD 26′ and 38, I’m petite, size 3 in jeans. Maybe I’ll put a pic. But anyways, lately I have been feeling so out of it with him, like I’m just not sexy enough for him or something and it hurts … really bad. 🙁 I’m 20, he’s 21. We’ve been together a year and he says he loves me but why does he get all flustered over her. It breaks my heart. It’s not like I do that with him, because I am 100% attracted to him. Just the way he is, he’s just an average kind of guy, isn’t rich, isn’t over the top with things and I love him just for him but he does this and it makes me feel bad. Like I might even change my appearance but no, I’ve agreed not to change. I like my dark wavy hair and what I wear. 🙁 I know this whole thing is immature and silly and I shouldn’t let it get to me but it’s been building up with me for months now. All day I’ll go and he’ll get excited and happy with me once but I mention Scarlet and his face lights up. 🙁
here’s some pic’s
well, to me it’s not that he has a massive crush on her but more who is he attracted to? what does the type of woman he is attracted to look like? You know? That’s just what gets me I guess. Maybe I am acting like a child. But I tried to shake it & wanted to ignore it, but atlas, nothing.
Thanks Mr. Knick. I think you are right. I’m going to try and not focus on it so much. Which starts by getting off this computer and redirecting my thoughts. & thanks everyone for all your answers. I need to get into a more healthier attitude about this.
Best answer:
Answer by Chini
dont think to hard
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