Are there any really good, easy to use, downloadable video editing programs besides Windows Movie Maker?

Question by Alex W: Are there any really good, easy to use, downloadable video editing programs besides Windows Movie Maker?
I am trying to make a video for a contest, and I’ve been using Windows for a while. I really don’t like it because it isn’t as cool as programs such a Sony Vegas, which would take me too long to figure out how to use because there is a deadline.

If you know some, could you please provide the link to where I can get it?

Thanks! 🙂


Best answer:

Answer by funkyboj
Well i use ConvertXtoDvD from VSO for some time now and it works very good.But then u should check it out urself and see it :p here’s the link(there is trial version which u can use for 30 days)

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