Are there javacode scripts for this or what else would I need?
Question by big_j_gizzy: Are there javacode scripts for this or what else would I need?
I’m building a website and I want a simple task to be performed where you set a hyperlink to view the same page but a different part. Ex. The page is a 4 chapter short novel. It might have four links labeled chapters 1-4 at the top. If you click on 4 it will keep you on the same page but scroll the page down to the beginning of chapter 4. Thanks.
Best answer:
Answer by Nick Hegstad
if all of the content is in the same page but you just want the hyperlink to scroll to that part in the page you can add an id to the element where the chapter starts and use # in the link
This is Chapter 4
this will take you to that section.
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