are these good script ideas?
Question by fhockyou (:: are these good script ideas?
Hey guys. For homework during this lovely, sunny weekend, i got assigned to write a short script. Im in a creative writing class at my highschool and my teacher said these scripts that we would write would go to the video production class to be acted out and filmed.
So i have a couple ideas. I hope these are manageable for the video prod. team, so read them and if you like them, then great. but if you dont, tell me how to fix it. thank yaaa.
First one:
A widowed father who is very poor has a specific reason why he’s selling drugs on the street.. He needs $ $ for his child’s cancer treatment. He has no insurance, due to the fact that he is very poor. He decides to sell drugs because his family background is “screwed up” and they are all druggies and baked. So he asks his fellow family member for some and starts selling away drugs. And Ofcourse, he gets into big trouble. So for the entire time, he is struggling with authority and his love for his child.
So, does this make sense?? Could this be made into a short film??
2nd one:
Two twins, a boy and a girl, have heart problems, ever since they were born. They are 16-17 years old right now, when it comes to the time that both of them severly needs the heart ASAP. The organ donor line is very very long, so its impossible for both of them to get a heart close together timewise.
So, the question throughout the movie is who gets the heart?
Best answer:
Answer by rebeccer
I think the second one is more interesting and is more managable to be converted into a short film. Also you are dealing with teenagers which is good because it is a highschool and you will have more teens accessible for filming then young children and older adults. In short films it needs to be somewhat concise in the means that there is a clear beginning middle and end, but it is not necessary that you must have one get the heart at the end, but whatever you do I am sure it will turn out great. Best of luck!
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