BACS Coupon Script – How to Build Your Own eCommerce Coupon Web Site
by wallyg
BACS Coupon Script – How to Build Your Own eCommerce Coupon Web Site
Building an eCommerce coupon website is a great idea if you’d like to sell physical goods from your home or start an Internet store. Starting an eCommerce coupon website may seem difficult, but all it takes is a bit of research on appropriate shopping cart solutions for your particular needs. Once you have an eCommerce coupon website up and running, you can begin advertising your products to generate orders and sales.
Decide on an eCommerce coupon software platform for your eCommerce coupon website. The most helpful eCommerce BACS coupon software platforms for a website include a shopping cart solution for your customers, integrated payment gateways such as Paypal and Google Checkout, and automatic shipping modules. Look for recommendations of eCommerce BACS coupon software platforms in technology and review magazines and websites;
and PC World should be helpful in this regard. Ask other eCommerce store owners which eCommerce BACS coupon software is the best. A couple examples of reputable shopping cart eCommerce platforms include osCommerce and Zen Cart.
Purchase and/or sign up with the eCommerce BACS coupon software. Download and save all files necessary for the software to your computer’s hard drive, such as help files and owners manuals as well as the primary files you need to install the eCommerce platform. Groups of files will most likely be sent and downloaded as compressed or “.zip” files.
Login to your domain name’s control panel to upload and set up the files for the eCommerce software. Create a username and password for entrance into the administration side of the eCommerce platform, if required. Refer to the eCommerce publisher’s Read-me file or instruction manual for help with
any instructions specific to the eCommerce coupon website platform you’re using. Use your web host’s integrated file manager program or an FTP (file transfer protocol) program such as FileZilla to upload the files of your shopping cart program.
Log-in to the eCommerce administrator’s control panel using the username and password required; this was probably set up during initial installation of your eCommerce shopping cart software. Customize aspects of your shopping cart software to suit your eCommerce coupon website, such as entering the name of your website, any images or backgrounds that are allowed and other design elements that can be modified.
Create listings of products and goods that will be sold from your eCommerce coupon website. Create names for each product and categories of products; enter descriptions for the goods you’re selling. Upload photos and
images of products to be featured on your eCommerce coupon website. Set prices for each product and modify the shipping modules to include either a flat-rate shipping cost to customers or weight-and-size-dependent.
Set up payment methods on your eCommerce coupon website such as Paypal and Google Checkout so that you can accept all major credit cards. The majority of eCommerce platforms already include settings for turning on and off major online payment gateways; you’ll need to input your Paypal e-mail address and other unique identifiers required of each payment gateway to set them up. Refer to your eCommerce BACS coupon software publisher or owner’s instructions for specific information on setting up payment methods.
Test your eCommerce coupon website. Point your browser to your website address and navigate through the products to confirm that everything
appears correctly. Make a test purchase of a product to ensure that payment gateways are set up correctly.
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