Battersea Power Station
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105 MW. This gave the A Station a generating capacity of 243 MW. At the time of its commissioning, the 105 MW generating set was the largest in Europe. The B Station had a generating capacity 260 MW, which brought the site’s generating capacity of 503 MW.
Coal transportation
Coal was usually brought to the station by collier ships, and unloaded by cranes, which are still intact on the station’s riverfront
The station had an annual coal consumption of over 1,000,000 tonnes. The majority of this coal was delivered to the station from coal ports in Wales and North East England by collier ships. The jetty facilities used two cranes to off load coal, with the capacity of unloading two ships at one time, at a rate of 480 tonnes an hour. Coal was also delivered by rail to the east of the station using the Brighton
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