Battle with Mast Cell tumors – In memory of Samantha, our gift from God!
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about the things that concern me. Who wouldn’t be thankful for that? (Many times I would hug Sam really tight and pray that God would accept that hug for himself as a gesture of my gratitude.)
Still the cost was something we had to contend with. After the initial bout with this hideous disease, figuring in everything from the first office visit to the last Prednisone pill given six months later, the final tally was almost exactly half of what it took to put a new roof on our house. We had committed to that just before discovering the tumor and couldn’t back out of the contract, so the new roof was put on the same month as almost all of the testing and the amputation were done. The following month’s credit card bill was literally breathtaking.
Darlene took Sam to Swedesboro Animal Hospital to have her leg amputated. After the surgery was completed, she called me
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