Battle with Mast Cell tumors – In memory of Samantha, our gift from God!
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Through it all, we continued to enjoy this wonderful dog and her interactions with our other dogs. Sam seldom misbehaved. On those rare occasions when she did, we would refer to her as “Osama Bin Doggin” and scold her. Her newfie eyes would narrow into slits like she was getting ready to cry. On the whole, life was pretty normal and we were beginning to think she had completely whipped the Mast Cell tumors until another one showed up in May of 2008. After that was removed, we had a reprieve until December when yet another developed and that too, was removed.
The next month brought a new year and some hopeful news from our vet: Red Bank Animal hospital in north Jersey was taking part in a trial test of a new oral chemo treatment for Mast Cell tumors that not only had few side effects, but had some very promising results in a smaller study. So a nation-wide study was
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