Battle with Mast Cell tumors – In memory of Samantha, our gift from God!
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receive the new drug. Unfortunately, it didn’t have any effect on her. In February, still another Mast Cell tumor appeared in the same general area and once again she had surgery to remove it.
After that, we decided not to put her through any more surgeries. The only thing left was to just enjoy her for as long as possible. Our vet wrote a script for more Prednisone – only at a much higher dosage, and promised to refill it as often as needed while Sam was with us. Thank you Dr. Tomlinson, doing that bought us several more months with our precious puppy!
When I got home from work one night in late August, Darlene told me that Sam had started throwing up about 15 minutes before. Over the next few hours, Samantha threw up many more times – I stopped counting after the eleventh one. I didn’t know it was possible for a dog to vomit so often in such a relatively short
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