Battle with Mast Cell tumors – In memory of Samantha, our gift from God!
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span of time. Sam was so very miserable that night!
The next day I called the vet’s office to arrange to have Sam put down; after hanging up the phone I started getting ready for work. As I was brushing my teeth at the bathroom sink, I was thinking about how miserable Sam was the night before and how helpless I felt not being able to make her feel better. That, combined with the reality of the appointment I’d just made was a little overwhelming, and I began to sob. Almost immediately the thought came to my mind that “You mourn for a dog that’s about to die, but what about your co-workers, the guy who pumps your gas or the cashier at the grocery store? Most of them are already dead spiritually. So where are the tears for them?”
Even then Sam was a blessing to me. God used her to show me that my dealings with others needed attention.
Sam was feeling better
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