Battle with Mast Cell tumors – In memory of Samantha, our gift from God!
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years old, I wanted a big dog, one that required both arms to hug; and I wanted a dog that was loving, gentle and had a good temperament. As a kid, my folks didn’t want me to have a big dog. They even took the small dog I had in junior high to the pound one day while I was at school (Took me a long time to forgive them for that). When I went into the military, there wasn’t an option of having a dog. Then when I got out of the military, a former spouse didn’t want any dogs. She was a cats-only kind of person, and she made sure that the small dog I had knew it wasn’t welcomed in our home (after we were married, of course).
Even though I had wanted this kind of dog from such an early age, I never prayed about it. For the longest time, I had the mistaken idea that one shouldn’t pray for something like a dog. God was far too busy to be concerned with trivial things like
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