Battle with Mast Cell tumors – In memory of Samantha, our gift from God!
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we gonna do?” I said.
“I don’t know – I’m not a vet!”
“Whaddya mean, you don’t know? You’re a labor and delivery nurse!”
“It’s not the same thing, Gregg.”
“Well, it’s a lot closer than my job in video!” I protested.
Somehow, we managed to make it to the next day when we could call our vet for instructions. Even though the necessary “apparatus” was needed for only a few days, it seemed more like a whole month and neither of us wanted to deal with that again. So we promptly made an appointment to have her spayed ASAP.
For the next several years, we enjoyed Sam as any dog-loving family would. Then in the latter part of October, 2005, we noticed a small lump directly above her right elbow, a lump that grew to almost the size of a tennis ball in only a week and a half. We quickly made an appointment with our vet to have Samantha examined.
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