BEST COMIC EVER…Now finish the script?
Question by Clinton Portis #1 Fan: BEST COMIC EVER…Now finish the script?
By the way, I have no intention of selling this so it is NOT copyright infriction. Okay, I’m thinking of making a comic and I’m terrible at designing scripts. So, I need you to write this comic in a script or comic form. Spider-Man, Poison Ivy, Daredevil, Moon Knight, elecktra, Captain America and Harley Quinn are fighting against Lex Luthor, Dr Octopus, Scorpion, Winter Soldier, Bullseye and Kingpin.They are fighting for a fragment of another symbiote that is the most powerful than the others. It is an even fight until deadpool shows up and accidently releases the symbiote. It bonds with him and he can control it thanks to his healing factor. The symbiote dies off him because of the insanity and adreniline in his body. Poison ivy makes out with Spidey, and Harley Quinn seduces mysterio. There are a couple things you can decide on your own like what color the symbonite is and if Spidey survives his sexy encouter with Ivy (I was thinking maybe the kiss gave him special powers and turned his suit green, but that’s just my opinion) Good luck, and please write a good script. If you don’t have the time to write an entire script, just write the script for the Ivy/Spidey make out scene that’s like 7-20 sentences long and answers my question about wether spidey survives or some other scene in the story.
Best answer:
Answer by bluekatt
oh look fanfic
skip it put your ( limited) talents in to something that you created your self
something you actually own and can take pride in instead of leeching of the works of stan lee gardner fox gil kane wally wood john romita jack kirby and bruce dini
not too mention the others whose characters you plan to use in this trainwreck
the only thing that would make your insipid story worse is if luthor and doc ock declare their love for each other and present their family to the other villains
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!