Biltong Making (step by step video)

This video shows you how to make this famous South African snack step by step. The spices I used in my biltong videos have been bought pre-prepared so I couldn’t tell you exactly what was in them. When I don’t use pre-prepared stuff I use the following combinations. Coriander + Crushed black pepper Coriander + Chili powder Coriander + Crushed cloves, nutmeg, celery salt, pepper Coriander + Garlic powder. The ratio should be 4 parts Coriander and 1 part whatever else you want or 80% to 20%. You can use coriander that’s been bought crushed already, but the best way to do it is to buy whole coriander seeds, place them flat in a metal tray and put it in a hot oven for a few minutes until they’re brown, then crush them up to a coarse & not too fine texture. The reason I wanted to warn people about buying spices online is because there are different spices for different methods of preparation. When you buy spices online make sure its labelled & described as ‘Biltong Spice’ we use this spice in the method shown on my video. The other variant is ‘Biltong Cure Spice’ or ‘All-in-one spice’ you cannot use this type of spice with the method shown in the video because the steps are different. I ended up buying 2kg of the cure spice without realizing it doesn’t work with my method and ended up spoiling a batch of meat. I’ve included a website for a good online retailer, I buy all my stuff from them and the service and delivery is very smooth & safe, no problems so far. www.biltongbox

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