Black Ops Unexpected Long Rage Sniper Triple
Dog Rape: Black Ops Unexpected Long Rage Sniper Triple Clip by: SuperODeLuXe Want to join us and be on Youtube and stuff? Yes, you have to pay. We know you don’t want to because you’d rather have it free. Of course, I wish everything was free too. Minecraft500 isn’t free for the same reason that McDonalds isn’t free, because there’s costs (server/website hosting) and labor (managing the server scripts and whatnot) involved. However, I personally think a month is nothing compared to the amount of fun you’ll have playing with us on the server. If you’re still confused on why people actually want money, then refer to this video: DO NOT SUBMIT CROSS MAP TOMAHAWKS UNLESS THERE’S SOMETHING VERY UNIQUE ABOUT THE CLIP (Even if it’s a Bank shot, it’s not interesting anymore) The clip must already be on youtube. I will only watch youtube links. If you don’t know how to get your video on youtube, go watch this: We’restill working on a Black Ops submission form. For now, send me a youtube message with: Your Gamertag: Title of the Clip: Map: Weapon/Killstreak Used (if applicable): Detailed Description of 20+ Words: Description should let me know exactly what happened. “This clip was interesting” or “i got a weird clip” is not a detailed description. Your description should tell me almost exactly what happened before I even watch the clip. Bad description=we don’t even watch the clip.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

What happens when you mix a camera, unlimited amounts of an endangered species and the sadistic need to test new ways to destroy helpless creatures? Tr_walkway is a training map for Team Fortress 2, it was updated a few months ago introducing some easter eggs (yes, you are spoiling yourself watching this video, but the way to get it is not revealed :] ). This video was made to show different ways to have fun around the map without necessarily training. The update cointains new features such as a retractible platform, the option to make all players explode or never explode when killed, ability to change the flow of time, sentry room and much, much more. Most of the scenes in this video can be replicated! The whole recording has been taken from single player games. Some of them require scripts to work, so ask if you want to know how any part of the video was done! Map by Wiseguy149 and Washipato, video by Washipato, hat (the arrow to the eye is a hat) by sparkwire By the way, both of the buttons at the end of the video doesn’t work, you can still download the map from the following links: Downloads: TF2MAPS.NET: FPSBANANA: (it still has the RC version, I will upload the link as soon as the map is updated) DEMOMAN HAT by Sparkwire: