Bollywood Movie Industry
Bollywood Movie Industry
Bollywood is the motherland of Indian cinema. History of cinema began in India on July 1896, when brothers Lumiere presented their first short film in Hotel in Bombay. This short film had huge success among the people and the brothers became very popular and famous. In 1913 next important event in Indian cinema industry took place – first feature film “The life of Christ” was presented. The theme of this film had religious basis – epic Indian story Mahabharata. After this event Indian cinema began to develop very fast. In 18 years Indian cinema became sound. From those times songs and dances became essential elements of the Indian films. There are many dialects in Indian languages and there appeared many direction of Indian cinema depending on the language: Tamil, Hindi, Telugu etc.
Nowadays Indian films create huge industry. Bollywood
produces about 6ne thousand movies per year and all the films are qualitative. Word “Bollywood” is today part of English Oxford Dictionary. With the development of modern technologies and advents of computer graphics Indian movies changed their forms. Besides, the Indian movies become more contemporary and there appear many English words in the script. It made the Indian movie industry more universal.
Internet technologies touched also Indian movie market and the producers began to use this sector of selling more active. There are many special internet marketing techniques and methods, which increases the sales in several times. Nowadays people can order their favorite Indian DVD on special websites. The consumers can compare the prices and make an order from their homes. Besides, patrons receive many discounts and bonuses. Moreover, the shipping is free.
Consumers can forget about queue and save their money and time. To receive the whole impression about the chosen films, the consumers can read on special websites reviews and see trailers.
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