Build A Niche Store: Building Headers for your Site Need help designing headers for your sites? Your Build a Niche Store sites and other web sites look much better with custom graphics. Watch as I go through some simple steps for building a niche targeted header with Photoshop. Don’t buy web site headers when you can build your own. http

CLICK HERE IF YOU LIKE BEAUTIFUL VOCAL ARRANGEMENTS! Free Mp3 Downloads Available Here! Please watch in HD! And subscribe! This one I did pretty quickly, the video editing especially, as you can tell on the ending. My FCP kept freezing while rendering and I started getting pissed off, so I just synced the starting and bounced it, so the syncing will be off before the end indefinitely. I recorded Soprano/Alto/Tenor in one afternoon, and Bass the next morning. This arrangement was made popular by Manhattan Transfer. It was arranged by the Gene Puerling. This piece is an example of how much of a genius he truly was by making such amazing chords and voicings work with only four voices. Some of the most amazing things I’ve ever heard take place in this song, and my other recording “All The Things You Are” (Gene Puerling). Unlike the Manhattan Transfer in pretty much EVERY recording that they’ve made of this song, mine stays in tune, and in the correct keys! Yay. NO AUTOTUNING OR MELODYNE WAS USED IN THIS RECORDING. (because it is lame and ruins “authentic” music) Here you can find my most recent multitracks! And here, videos of my quartet: Please subscribe and thanks for watching! Youtube can make it sound a little robotic but it sounds pretty decent in HD, you just gotta give it a bit of time to render if your internet isn’t incredibly fast. Recorded with an Apex 435 Mic through an M-audio pre usb. Audio mixed …