Can Someone give me some sims 2 movie making tips?

Question by thedarkprincess122: Can Someone give me some sims 2 movie making tips?
I’m already making sims 2 movies and putting them on youtube (I use sony vegas 7.0) But i want some more advanced tips.
I’ve been watching Misterhollywoodguy, and iamcreative1212 on youtube but i need to make them look better than what they already are. ( my youtube: Thedarkprincess122) i know the camera rotations, and how to slow it down, but i can’t move them smooth as MHWG & IAC1212. (short)

#1: How can we make the cam rotations & slow down like:

Misterhollywoodguy’s “Remiel & Gabrielle, Love Again” on:

0:17 – 0:37, (not including zoom out – know how to do that, and not including inverted sim, or sim infront of picture) 0:58 – 1:18.

Iamcreative’s everybody’s fool: 0:32 – 0:36, 0:56 -1:00 ect.ect.

#2: how can we change the envirnonment color of the room or outdoors.


#1: “Remiel & Gabrielle, Love Again” 1:25 – 2:13. (color: gray)
#2: Iamcreative1212’s “The Kill” 0:18 – 0:48. (color: red) okay i might be about to turn it red w/ sony vegas but what about making the room darker?

#3: Making the pool reflect. (water reflects off of sims standing by, tree’s and house or community lot)

Misterhollywoodguy’s “Remiel & Gabrielle, Love Again” 2:20 – 2:23.

I’d really love it if you helped me. thank you.

Here are some tips i use:

if your sims hands look like mittens. go to game performance in the menu (when you about the leave the game – in household or neighborhood-) and detail’s on high, same with shadows, and lighting.

camera rotations like Jaydee227 on skater boi vid.

lets say you have a house. with a baby crib and an adult’s bed. go to either one hold down CTRL (anyone) and press 4,5,6,7,8 or 9. (don’t hold numbers) then go to the other place and hold CTRL and any number…. JUST DON’T PRESS THE SAME NUMBER!!!!! then press on the number u pressed on the first time with no CTRL just numbers then there you go.

Best answer:

Answer by Mellow
augh i’m so glad someone else cares about this stuff! and mine reflects you just turn reflections on in the same menu areas as where you turn up the settings for mitten hands.

just turn all camera settings low and all video settings high

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