Can Your Retail Business Survive the Coming Credit Crunch?
Well, here we are sport fans, so what now?
Well one of the things I just loved about this whole fiasco was the way the credit card companies start off charging us, the retailers, a healthy chunk of every transaction, it’s been like having a second landlord sucking on your neck. Then they follow your customers’ home and rifle their pockets, so they can’t afford to come back very often. Ideally they would like to continue this until our customers can only afford to stay home and pay the minimum for the rest of their lives. Even though this arrangement is oh so nice for them, it just doesn’t work out too well for the rest of us.
Don’t start looking for the exit. I’m not going to suggest that you go cold turkey on the plastic. But the truth is, many of your customers will have their limits reduced or their accounts closed and of course