Cloud Strife


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Cloud: Don’t mess with me. I used to be in SOLDIER. I’ll tell you how much I know…. an’ for free too!” Square Co.. Final Fantasy VII. (SCE America). PlayStation. (1997-09-07)

^ Cloud: I don’t care what your names are. Once this job’s over… I’m outta here. Square Co.. Final Fantasy VII. (SCE America). PlayStation. (1997-09-07)

^ a b Cloud: Cloud: Looks like I’m a little late. / Barret: You damn right, you’re late!! Come waltzin’ in here makin’ a big scene! | Cloud: It’s no big deal. Just what I always do. / Barret: Shit! Havin’ everyone worried like that you don’t give a damn ’bout no one but yourself! / Cloud: Hmm… you were worried about me! Square Co.. Final Fantasy VII. (SCE America). PlayStation. (1997-09-07)

^ Biggs: What!? you tellin’ me you’re too good to drink with me? Don’t act big-headed jus’ because you were in SOLDIER! / Yeah, why not?/

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