Comic Con 2010 Documentary Audition

Hi there! My name is Holly Conrad and this is my reel for the upcoming Documentary about Comic Con. Enjoy! In the video are a few of my friends, Tayler, Ben, Tank, Steph, and the comic store guys. Ben, Tayler and I all work together at Garner Holt Productions in sunny San Bernardino County in Southern California. My friends Jessica and Alex are also in the skit, but Alex lives in Minneapolis and Jessica is in London. Ben is doing the animatronics, Tayler is making Tali, I’m sculpting the head and armor for grunt and Shepard, Neil (not shown 🙁 ) is being awesome and creating/helping when he can, Alex is making the Illusive man and our SUPER SECRET costume (eek!). We’re all self taught, none of us went to school for costume design or fabrication, we do it because we love it and we probably couldn’t stop if we wanted to. I graduated with a degree in Medieval studies at UCSB, and after deciding that academia was boring, I moved into costume design. It’s my dream to work in the movie industry, and I’m trying to get there one massive costume at a time, using comic con as a venue to show them off to Bioware game fans like myself. And with the news that there’s going to be a Mass Effect movie, I’d love to work on the costumes for that as well. This year, we’re hoping to win the Masquerade with our Mass Effect 2 themed costumes, we’ll be re-creating an end scene from the game to the song Heart of Courage by Two Steps from Hell (That epic one!!) Anyway, enjoy, and wish us luck! Oh …