Copywriting Tips: 13 Steps To Creating The Perfect Sales Letter Template


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Copywriting Tips: 13 Steps To Creating The Perfect Sales Letter Template

Once you have created an information product, you may think you’ve completed all of the hard work. Unfortunately the most challenging piece of product creation is yet to come — the creation of the sales letter landing page where you talk about and sell your product.

Creating an effective sales letter is really all about following a formula. If you look at enough sales letters, you realize that most of them follow the same template. While there aren’t necessarily any hard-and-fast rules, here are 13 steps to help you create the perfect sales letter for your product or service:

1. Headlines. First create an intro headline, which appears in smaller font just before your primary headline and gets your reader warmed up for the headline to follow. Then comes your primary headline, which is a large font in a different font color that must grab your

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