Cost Effective Small Business Marketing Strategies and Tips – Part Three
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Brochure with a Circular/Flier for cost effective Test Marketing
– Use Action Words
– Learn Desktop publishing and produce your own materials at a fraction of the price. Get a Graphic Design Student intern to create your Artwork for a small fee.
– Color and Gloss are expensive. If you aren’t selling a luxury, premium product, consider colored ink and colored stock to bring your piece to life. However, if you self produce, I prefer Gloss and Colored Pictures – it is worth the added cost but mitigated when self produced.
– ROI: One Sale/one job should handily pay for your entire creation and distribution costs, otherwise, reconsider your campaign.
Brochures: More expensive, more detailed, larger pieces which instill confidence and credibility. Moreover, it provides a more finesse, elaborate sales process. As a mailing, I prefer a Circular. For
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