Cover Software – The Product Image Powerhouse


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software lets you use the power of Photoshop, and the automation of Photoshop Action scripts to streamline and automate 90% of the product image process. In other words, it allows you to easily create a “Virtual” photograph of your product so you can avoid repeating steps, get it uploaded to your website, and so your customers can see what your product looks like.

With ecover software, you can bypass the need for an actual dvd, cd, ebook, or software box prototype. That means an actual photographs is not needed! You also bypass the time consuming graphic designer, and the expensive photographer.

Photoshop Actions are simple. They work like this..

You open Photoshop and design the product image in a template, just like you like it. When you’re happy with the design, you load a set of photoshop actions into photoshop. From there, you click

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