Creating Facebook Landing Pages Using Iframes and WordPress There is a new way to present custom content on Facebook Pages, Tabs and FBML are gone… Get ready to befriend iframes! Iframes are nothing new, they’ve been around for many years and they are a standard HTML tag, which allows one webpage to be inserted into another. This means that Facebook page owners can now create dynamic Facebook pages using their standard tools (HTML, CSS, PHP, ASP, JavaScript, Flash, etc.) by hosting their page on their own server, and using whatever tools they desire to build it. Using this technique will allow marketers the creativity and flexibility available to standalone webpages. If you can create something for the web, as long as it’s under 520 pixels in width, you can now present it as a custom Facebook page. This might sound complicated, but actually it’s much easier than the old FBML process. You can create your Facebook iframe page using whatever tool you may like, but in this tutorial we will be using WordPress to create our Facebook landing page since it is probably the easiest way to do it for beginners, and advance users can also take the advantage of using plugins, php, and other tools available in WordPress. We will create 2 “welcome landing pages” in this tutorial, one for fans of our page and one for non-fans. To get the PHP file that I talk about on the video you can go to