Creative Business Online – Make Money Online With Rich Niche Blogging
honestly do this for pay and do this for fun. If it’s like pulling teeth, maybe you should ask someone else to do it (a guest blogger).
TV Show Reviewing:
Since TV shows were mentioned, let’s go over blogging on them. This can mean writing blog posts on new characters in the shows, upcoming seasons being released on DVDs, certain genres of TV shows like action or horror, or even a new writer’s strike. TV show reviewing is often the most lucrative field for entertainment blogging; few hate TV, many are hooked on it.
Other Reviewing:
Of course, entertainment sites like Salon and IGN also focus on books, anime, comics, and movies. Reviews take a special kind of skill to write, however, and doing them solely on your entertainment blog is a risk. Write on multiple subjects, and see what catches reader’s interests.