Curing My Depression with the Business of Colour
Curing My Depression with the Business of Colour
Depressed and dyslexic, having been stuck teaching business English in the big banks of Luxembourg for years, I really needed to bring a little colour into my life.
Monday morning early May 2008, having just moved into my new apartment that weekend, I woke up and saw my life stretch out in front of me. A straight forward highway of English lessons to pay the bills and paid bills to teach the lessons. I crashed.
Teaching English made my dyslexia ache. The constant repetitive drone of business terms sedated my brain. The interfering micro-management of language schools, HR departments and middle managers suffocated my creative instincts. I was depressed.
Depression is a curious thing. It doesn’t just affect your emotional and intellectual state, it affects the way you see the world. The walls fold up around you and