DA/RA/HP Fans- Uh… Was Anyone else disappointed with the New Half-Blood Prince movie?
Question by ♥ Accio Oliver Wood! ♥ [RA] [DA]: DA/RA/HP Fans- Uh… Was Anyone else disappointed with the New Half-Blood Prince movie?
The only thing I liked in the new movie was the Weasley Twins’ store, Ron on love potion, Harry saying “HI!” while on Felix Felicis, how crazy and hyper Bellatrix was towards the end and any lines quoted from the book.
I wasn’t really happy with anything else…
I don’t like how they seemed to rush through EVERYTHING and put the most effort into the “oh-so dramaic ending”. It seemed they were trying incredibley hard to make it funny, and I didn’t like that. They took all of the seriousness away from pretty much every character and everyone was crazy. I know present you with some out-of-character quotes (Note: I didn’t memorize them word-for-word, they said something similar to this)
“The Thing about being ME is…”
“[to Harry] Is there anything going on between you and Hermione?”
“Oh and Potter, take Weasley with you, he looks way to happy over there.”
“Why is it that whenever someone is in trouble, it’s always you three?”
Very off. I don’t think they’d say that. Dumbledore isn’t supposed to be obsessed with himself or Harry’s love life and McGonagall isn’t supposed to try to be funny (lol). Another quote I didn’t like:
Ron: So… did you and Ginny do it?
Harry: WHAT!?
Ron: Did you and Ginny hide the book?
Harry: Oh, uh, yeah.
…was that… was that a sex-referencey-type joke? In Harry Potter? REALLY?
I really hated how out of character Hermione was. She was CRYING, She told Harry that she likes Ron, she was acting crazy and weird at Slughorn’s parties… that’s just not Hermione. They put way too much force on the Hermione-Ron relationship thing, too. People who haven’t read the books are going to think they’re going out now!
I don’t think they did a good job presenting Lavander, either. She just kind of came out of no where and fell in love with Ron.
I also expected Sectumsepra to be more exciting. I thought it would be more of a slaughter, but in the movie Draco just kind of got cut in the stomach a few times.
I think they tried way too hard to make this movie funny. I mean, of course it’s fun to watch Harry be silly and immature sometimes, but not throughout the whole film! They added too much humor into the story. Harry wasn’t very serious at all. It was all just “Heheh, Imma big sixth year. Haha, I just go along with whatever Dumbledore does.”. The movie was very silly… too silly. I didn’t like how much humor was forced into it.
Also, The Burrow. First of all, it looked COMPLETELY different on the inside which bothered the crap out of me, second, IT WAS ATTACKED BY DEATH EATERS AND THEN CAUGHT ON FIRE!? I’m sorry, but WTF!? And also, Harry nearly drowning at the end was stupid. If they NEED to put drama in that badly, they could’ve done more with that Katie Bell incident. And maybe Harry’s obsession with Malfoy. Harry was supposed to be curious about what Malfoy’s doing was was supposed to try and find out. Harry didn’t really interfer with Draco and try to stop/stalk him that much at all, though. They kind of just came out and told you what Draco was doing. =/
I could probably keep going with things that went wrong in this movie.
But how did you feel? Do you agree with me? Was there anything else that you did/didn’t like about Half-Blood Prince? Do you think they did a good job making it like the book? What would you rate it? I’d give it a two, maybe one and a half out of five.
YES! Dumbledore didn’t have a funeral, either! That was terrible. They all just raised their wands to him and the movie ended.
I also hate the fact that they’re trying to turn Harry Potter into a dramatic comedy. It’s supposed to be more serious, people!
Best answer:
Answer by ♥Archie Potter Fanpire♥
The day I see the movie I will actually read all you said haha, I haven’t seen the movie yet because I can’t see it without my best friend we promised to see it together. But I heard that it was acutally pretty good. I heard that the biggest disappointment was Dumbledore not having a funeral like he was suppose to which I admit is very upseting but I heard overall it was good and the Burrow fight I got to watch part of a clip from and I got the goosebumps. I’m just very excited to see it and I’m a huge fan of the books, iv’e read each about 7 times!
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