Dating Tips for Dummies for Boys
Dating Tips for Dummies for Boys
Our lives as human being are separated into dissimilar phases, according to age and other factors. The phase of infancy is followed by childhood, soon after followed by teenage times, then youth, followed by middle age, old age and finally death. Each chapter brings it’s own challenges and joys, and you can’t expect to be ready to face all the changes with perfect poise and confidence. Here are some dating tips for boys to ease the way.
Childhood turns into puberty at about 13 to15 years of age when all of a sudden boys and girls notice each other in a whole new way. There is strong attraction between the sexes and new feelings that start to occupy your mind and trouble your bodies. This is the time when boys start thinking of asking girls on dates, without knowing how to actually go about doing it.
First of all, dating doesn’t mean you are
going steady with a girl. It just means you are interested in getting to know her better, or at all. So, do not get too worried about asking the girl that you like to go out with you. Still, be ready for a no answer. Maybe the girl you want to know better does not feel like that about you, or maybe she is not yet interested in boys. It’s not a big deal either way; dating is sort of like trying to make friends with someone.
Make your dating fun. Some good advice is that you keep the first few dates at a more public place, and open for discussion, for instance at an amusement park, shopping mall, or ice cream parlor. It should be a place where you can figure out if you and the girl feel comfortable with each other, instead of a movie or loud concert.
This part is real important since if you don’t find each other interesting, the relationship would not go very far
anyway. Do something you really like to do, like going out skating, having ice-cream sundaes, watching a comedy show, etc. This will take out the first date awkwardness of the situation and pave the way to a more meaningful friendship.
Be on your best behavior, like a gentleman. This is incredibly significant when dating, since you will have a lot of pressure from friends and society in general to get sexual with your girlfriend. Still, remember that if you enjoy her company and really want her to love you and stick by you, you have to earn it in other ways. There may come the time when sex would be the right thing to do, or maybe not. Until then, do not make any impolite moves. Focus on being a good friend and feeling good in each other’s company.
If and when sex does come along, it should be safe. Surrounded by all the other dating tips, this one shouldn’t be
overlooked. In case you do decide to have sex, and you are sure that your girlfriend has decided for it, then please do it responsibly. That means to always wear a condom. This will prevent unwanted pregnancies and possible sexually transmitted diseases. You need to be protecting your own self and not take for granted that she is on contraceptive pills.
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