dead silence movie was weak?
Question by marcyknndy: dead silence movie was weak?
I saw this whole movie and it was not scary. i did’nt even get scared and i found that the movie sucked. i saw this movie on tv when they were putting it in the movies and the movie floped and a whole bunch of people hated it, even me. i only watched this movie cuz someone told me it was’nt good and people say it was scary even though i’m not into scary movies. it had bad acting, the movie made no sense like the ghost lady want revenge for the guy’s family killing her but then she killed a little boy cuz he said she sucked. how stupid, that makes no sense. the movie also had bad effects, i did’nt even find the dead boy to be scary when they showed him he looked stiff and when they found his body it looked like a broke dummy. like one part when the guy is looking a a book about people being dolls and he looks in the mirrior and an old man just pops out of the screen and you could tell it looked like someone just digitally put it there and was i like how crappy. then when the old man was in the attic & saw the ghost lady that was’nt scary when they showed her hand and you could see the make up on her face when he used the falsh light. when she files across the screen she shakes. awful. plus the people in this movie are stupid even the guy when the clown doll tells him to come here and i was laughing at the cop and how corny he acted even the cop was smarter than the stupid guy. and you could see obvious things like the guys dad was already dead and that was really stupid when he left his girlfriend in the house with the doll. now the ending sucked. it was’nt scary and they were dolls which i did’nt find scary how they looked but they were smiling in the movie and the guy,his girlfriend the old man and the cop looked like someone pencil drew them and put them in a picture and the mom and the dad looking real which that shows you how lazy and awful the people who made this movie are. i wish i never saw this movie since i found out how horrible it looks and it suppose to be rated R but it had no curse words or anything that much graphic they just show people with there mouths open and the guys dad with his back gone which looked crappy to cus you could see it was wood and it looked like someone painted it and it’s like oh this is scary why dont we put a stick in his back, not! if i was acritic i would not rate this movie it sucks like dirt. even my mom’s friend saw this since i showed him and he said it was not good and he gave it thubs down.
Best answer:
Answer by Juicebox.
Okay…? So, the point of writing a huge paragraph was to… complain about a movie?
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