Dear YouTube: About The New Video Page

If you agree, please Twitter, Facebook & share this video everywhere else, please help YouTube hear our voice! TYSM!!! To get filled in, check YouTube’s Blog about the new video layout: Let YouTube know what your thoughts are on the changes they’re planning for the video pages: The Onision site: 1. Keep Thumbs Up & Favorites Separate People don’t want to favorite a lot of the videos they see, but many do want to show their support in a smaller way, such as rating it high — the rate up means you auto fav it, and rating down means nothing… just that you rated it down — it’s like “Hey, no obligations to rate down, but baggage if you rate it up” This likely means less people will rate videos up because they probably only want their FAVORITE videos to be on their FAVORITES list. 2. Keep Edit Subscription Option Exclusive To User Channels & Account Pages: The “Edit Subscription” button is much easier to access now being above every video, which means people are going to lose more impulsive subscribers than ever before. Before it was just “Subscribe” and that’s it — but now it’s almost suggesting they unsubscribe this likely = less might mean less views & subscribers for all YouTubers. 3. Bring The Series Playlist Back: Partners used to have a series playlist automatically shown next to their videos, now you have to click “see all videos” just to view the other videos DIRECTLY RELATED to the video they’re

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