Did you like JC new technique? Would you like to see more movies like Avatar?
Question by ☆Dana☆: Did you like JC new technique? Would you like to see more movies like Avatar?
I really respect the great job JC did in directing this movie, but I did not like the extensive use of digitalized images in the movie. However hard anyone can try to make computerized images look real, still there in nothing better than REAL scenes. What do you think?
Best answer:
Answer by Justin H
Digital imagery has come a log way in the last few years. Look at a movie like Avatar and then go back and look at something like Star Wars Episode 1.
One of the things I really admire about Avatar is that Cameron used digital imagery to create a world that could not otherwise exist. As digital imagery evolves, it’s going to become increasingly possible to create things that previously could only be imagined. This has the potential to allow movies like we’ve never seen before.
To answer your other question. Yes, I would like to see more movies like Avatar where digital imagery is used to create new worlds and expand what is possible. But I don’t want to see studios rushing to put out a bunch of Avatar knock-offs. Unfortunately, you know Hollywood execs are already greenlighing similar projects which will probably start hitting theatres in 2011 and 2012.
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