Digital Camcorders Make A Difference In Your Life


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assemblies that convert light into recordable digital signals in a series of complex multifunctions. Let us try to understand things as they happen inside of a digital camcorder.

First, there are components called as CCDs. What is a CCD? A CCD stands for something called as Charge Couple Device. The CCDs in the digital camcorders convert the light signal into electronic signals. CCDs come in different sizes and capacities depending on the maker and model and with bigger the size and number, the quality of recorded picture goes up.

A digital camcorder records onto an 8CM DVD disk which can hold upto 30 minutes of video data depending on whether the disk type is DVD-R and doubles up for DVD-RW. Still you can have upto 4 hours of record if the disk is of HDR-SR1 type.

View Finder and Playback

LCD monitors act as view finders through

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