Do You Make This Mistake When Selling Your Mlm Products?
Do You Make This Mistake When Selling Your Mlm Products?
If you’re like me, you’ve probably wondered how some network marketers consistently produce outstanding sales of their mlm products (And, how you can do the same). The truth is, along with consistent effort and determination to win, there are some key strategies that contribute to their success.
What I’d like to share with you today is how to avoid one of the biggest mistakes network marketers make, and how to apply one of these key strategies that can increase your MLM product sales virtually overnight.
Before we get started though, let’s take a look at this simple-yet-deadly mistake most networkers make when selling their MLM products.
Let’s pretend for a moment that you’re marketing weight loss supplements that come in the form of shakes or diet pills. You’re in the middle of giving your prospect what you
think is a fantastic product presentation. You’ve clearly pointed out the benefits of your product, anticipated any possible objections, and are almost ready to take the order.
Then, the inevitable happens. Your prospect interrupts your presentation and asks, “Why can’t I just buy weight loss shakes or diet pills from the grocery store?” And all of a sudden everything comes to a screeching halt. Aarrgh!!!
It’s as if they were reading a script and knew exactly when to jump into the conversation with this seemingly impossible to overcome objection, leaving you no choice but to try to compete with the store down the street.
This highly ineffective approach is what’s called an “apples to apples” comparison. And it almost always ends in frustration and the loss of a sale.
In other words, comparing your company’s
products to a similar product that’s readily available at a local retailer or online is a death sentence to what would otherwise be a stellar presentation. And the reason this is such a deal-breaker is because using this approach makes it virtually impossible to create a big enough advantage in your product that your prospect has little motivation to buy.
So what’s the solution? Easy, it’s called an “apples to ORANGES” comparison. And not only is it incredibly effective at capturing your prospect’s attention, it makes your job a whole lot easier.
Here’s how it works. Instead of comparing your product to something similar. Compare it to something radically more expensive, time consuming, emotionally exhausting or just plain inconvenient – something that leaves no question in your prospect’s mind that buying your product is a “no-brainer”.
Now, let’s take a look at your presentation using the apples-to-oranges method. And this time, instead of trying to compete with Wal-Mart, we’ll try a comparison to a couple of weight loss “alternatives”.
We’ll start with purchasing weightloss equipment. In this instance, we’ll use the “Bow-Flex Revolution”. This is a popular piece of exercise equipment that currently retails for well over 00. You can let your prospect know that not only is this machine expensive, but its large size will surely take up lots of space in your home or apartment (and who knows how much assembly is required).
Another comparison to try, how about joining a fitness club? A membership at a national chain of fitness clubs costs about 0 just to start and then for each month after that. This comes out to over 00 for your first year alone! In
addition, a gym membership will demand serious commitment, time, and lots of self-discipline.
One more quick example of this strategy could be:
If the product you market is a pain-relief supplement to treat muscle aches or joint pain. Instead of comparing your product to prescription drugs or over-the-counter pain relievers, try making the comparison to the stress, pain, expense, risks, and hassles of surgery or pro-longed chiropractic treatment.
Are you starting to see how all this works? You want your prospect to feel as though they would be a fool to pass up an offer like yours. Whatever the case may be, effectively using the “apples to oranges” comparison will make it blatantly obvious that your product is the way to go.
Besides increasing your sales numbers (and your commission checks), other benefits of
using this technique include:
* No special skills are required – You and your entire downline can start applying it immediately.
* Virtually eliminates the need to overcome objections.
* Makes your presentation alot more enjoyable and relaxed for both you and your prospect.
If you’ve been looking to boost your sales results, then I can’t wait till you try this strategy. Imagine what it would be like if you could walk into any presentation knowing that in just a few moments, your prospect will become your next loyal customer. Don’t believe me? Give it a try and believe yourself. You’ll be amazed at the results.
Joe Luna is a writer and network marketer who provides free business building tips and strategies. The marketing system he uses exclusively to build his business is at: This article includes free reprint rights. All links must remain in place as is.
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