Do you not get New Moon?

Question by Em 🙂: Do you not get New Moon?
For people who don’t get why we love New Moon here is a movie review that will clear things up even though it disses the movie lol.

“New Moon is not really a movie. It’s an excuse for a lot of people to dream.

Let’s just say it: It’s great there’s a movie that makes teenage girls scream. Half the movies Hollywood makes are designed to make teenage boys scream, and those boy movies are just as ridiculous and a lot nastier than New Moon.”

So there you go, we love it because it gives us an escape to dream about this perfect guy(s) who will do everything a human boy would never do and nothing they usually do. 🙂
Not porn exactly, we just watch porn, its more like those movies you like to watch with the wh*re bending over the car or something.
The first Twilight was disappointing but we’ll see how New Moon is.

Best answer:

Answer by CriminalMind91
So it’s the female equivilent of porn for sad, lonely women?

Got it.

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