Do you think it’s okay to make entertainment and money out of a tragedy?
Question by : Do you think it’s okay to make entertainment and money out of a tragedy?
Specifically pertaining to the events of September 11, 2001, do you or don’t you have a problem with the movie industry making films about the events of that fateful day in the Unites States. Isn’t a little too recent? The wounds a little too fresh? For there to be movies coming out, for people to watch and live through it over again, and paying $ 8-$ 10 to do it?!?! Some say it’s historical, but it’s history in the making. We’re still dealing with the aftermath, people!
Sorry…got riled up…guess you know my answer.
Best answer:
Answer by guy_from_britain
i think it is a positive thing if you think of it as a remembrance and/or tribute to the events. movies about 9/11 are purely for the sake of bringing us together to realize what a tragedy and what a miraculous recovery. if someone made a comedy of the holocaust, that would not be appropriate but otherwise: the obvious intention is simply to create a memorial
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