Does anyone know how to make windows movie maker and windows media player work in safe mode?
Question by : Does anyone know how to make windows movie maker and windows media player work in safe mode?
I have windows vist and am on safe mode because regular mode has been really slow lately. But Windows movie maker and media player won’t open. Movie maker says something about a video card, but it works fine in regualar mode. Media player just won’t open. Anyone know how to make them work? Thanks
Best answer:
Answer by SKH
In safe mode a generic set of basic drivers are loaded and they are only intended to provide enough functionality to allow you to repair your installation of windows. If they don’t work “out of the box” in safe mode then there is no way to make them work in safe mode. You will have to use your programs from within normal windows. There are a few things you can do to speed windows up:
you can run msconfig and disable some startup programs
you can defragment your hard drive
and you can use tweakui from the microsoft power toys website
startup programs are the number 2 killer of system performacne the number one is viruses and antivirus software.
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