does compressing my computer hard drive make my music and movie files lose quality?
Question by bryan: does compressing my computer hard drive make my music and movie files lose quality?
im running low on hard drive space. so im thinking of compressing my computer’s whole local disk, by right clicking on Local Disk (C:) then clicking properties and then clicking on where it says “compress drive to save disk space.” has anybody ever done this? will it make my music and movies lose quality? i have cd quality music and dvd quality movies so i don’t want them to lose any quality. will they still have the same quality if i do this?
Best answer:
Answer by purebishop
the will maintain the same quality, but files will load slightly slower and it will only give you a minimal amount of extra free space. i’d recommend not compressing the files. you’d be better off getting an external drive or just deleting files you don’t need.
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